Marvin, this post is dedicated to you.
StumbleUpon is, without a doubt, my absolute favorite website in the entirety of the World Wide Web. Major snaps to whomever was ingenious enough to invent it. What it is, is a website that directs you to other websites. A simple enough concept with AMAZING results.
So basically what you do is go to StumbleUpon and check all of the little boxes that you like (mine include humor, rugby, scuba diving, travel, Australia, and bizarre/oddities, to name a few). Then you click that yellow stumble button, sit back, and allow yourself to be entertained. StumbleUpon always manages to bring up just what I am in the mood for, and receives a hearty dose of laughter in return. How StumbleUpon manages this, I care not, all I know is that it's magic.
I have found a lot of what my future posts will be about on StumbleUpon (how do you think I came across FOUND?), and am on it probably everyday. The one drawback: it takes over my life. While I am not up to the 55,000 Stumbles that my friend Ben has, I do waste way too much time on it when I should be reading our textbook, for example. (Not that I don't read our textbook, because I do.) Nonetheless, if left unchecked, most people will fall victim to what I like to call SUDD (Stumble Upon Dependence Disorder). Even while I write this entry, I am finding myself being lured away. Yep, just spent a good twenty minutes right there Stumbling. Whoops. It's strangely seductive. I know many a person who has stayed up all night because during the prime studying hours of 8PM-11PM, they Stumbled instead of being a good student and getting all of their work done.
In the words of my lovely roommate, Sam Mitchell, "StumbleUpon has broadened my internet experiences, and I am a better person for it. It is a great procrastination tool." So, please do yourself a favor, and Stumble every once in a while.
StumpleUpon is a good site once you get to the website, but I hate having to register and all that nonsense. I don't know what I did, but it keeps bringing up videos. However, those videos are still interesting and very funny. I found a video that I saw like three years ago, but I forgot what the name of it was and have been unable to find it, but somehow StumbleUpon took me to it. It's hilarious and I feel that by reading your blog every week, this is being counterproductive to me engaging in scholastic activities.