Friday, April 8, 2011

With A Little Help From My Friends

With the group project and tons of other classwork, I have hardly had time to find some good sites to post up here.  The current weather has also sucked my creativity and inspiration right out of my body.  All I've wanted to do this week has been sleep.  But last week, Marvin gave me a site to look at, and a couple of days ago, Joy showed me another.  Both are quite interesting, so I thought I'd share them.

The webiste Marvin told me about is Today's Big Thing.  It has one post a day in each of the categories, whether it be videos, pictures, or cute animals.  Each post is hilarious, and being able to check back every day for something new is great.  It's a great website to go on for a couple of minutes every day to get a little chuckle.  Yesterday's video was great; it was a parody of Rebecca Black's "Friday."  But this girl put a religious spin on it and called it "Sunday." I still don't know if she is was being serious or joking, but it was very entertaining nonetheless.

While we were researching pictures for our group project, Joy found the website Foundshit.  It basically posts pictures of things.  Any kind of things.  But they're all really interesting to look at .  The blog has been around for about 4 years now, and they have amassed quite a collection of interesting thing to see.  They have a link on the blog to the subject of my very first ever blog post, Oddee, and a couple of other sites with strange pictures or weird articles.  Each site is fun and can take up hours of time to explore, which is always a good thing.

So thanks to Marvin and Joy for showing me these sites, or else I would have found some really stupid thing to put up here instead, which would have been boring for all of us.


  1. You are very welcome, it has been a long week for all of us! It takes a lot of work to find these websites and review them the way you do. I feel your pain when I spend 5 hours working on a bass video for my blog, so its alright to give yourself a break once in a while. And, by the way, I hope you enjoy Today's Big Thing in the future!

  2. The "Sunday" video on Today's Big Thing was too funny!
    And I just wasted all of my "commenting time" by looking through Foundshit...
    The post with the "Candwich" is very... interesting. I wonder what Barbecue-Chicken Candwiches taste like?

  3. The entire time I was recording my voice over, Marvin was on Today's Big Thing. He was laughing while sitting there by himself and he kept trying to show me the random stuff that was up on the website. It looked interesting and I'll probably have to return to the website to look at it now that our project is done.

  4. I LOVE these websites! They are so entertaining! I could not stop laughing. It's a great way to kill time and they're full of great stuff!
